The Mediocrity Codex: Volume I, Issue I
Section IV: a curiosity in name only

What makes a man a killer? That he has killed? That he is capable of killing? What makes a man a killer...

Don't think about it. You just have to do it. You can't hesitate. You hesitate, he gets you first. It's you or him. You can't have doubts. Where's your war face? Show me your war face. Show me your war face!

A man incapable of  killing is a coward. A man who cannot kill cannot defend himself. A man who cannot kill cannot defend his family. A man who cannot kill cannot defend his country.

You need clarity for conviction. You need conviction for control. You need control to kill. And that's what you're here for. You are the tool. I am the hand. You are the tool. A reliable tool.

Control the mind. Every kill begins in the mind. Every weapon exists in the mind. Control mind and control the kill. Control the weapon.

When I'm through with you you'll be a killer. See? Others make children into men. I make men into killers. You can be a killer. I see it in you. You see it? I see it.

Now show me your war face. Show me your war face!!

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